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True Story of a Dumbass and a Phone

Getting my haircut has always been a huge annoyance. First, I don't like phone so I don't make appointments. Second, I don't like people touching me. This makes it difficult to allow someone to wash my hair. Third, I don't like taking the chance of sitting there so long with a person who turns out to be an idiot or perhaps just annoying. Well, this past Saturday was finally the day and I went to get it done. 

This is not the particular dumb-ass I'm speaking of; it's my haircut.
As most people know the chairs at the hair salon are pretty close together so it's quite easy to hear the conversation next to you. The first part involved a young girl having stolen quite a large of amount of things from different stores at the town center. Apparently, she kept grabbing stuff and going back to her car and the trunk was full. 

The next part of the conversation involved a very touchy subject for me; texting and driving. I almost die on a daily basis because people have their faces shoved in a phone. I get on my mothers and friends nerves because I yell at them to put their phones away while driving because I would rather not go out like that. 

This guy tells a story of himself texting and driving. He even adds sort of driving and laughs. HE LAUGHED. Then he goes on to say he hit an intersection. He messed up the front end of his car this time. He's also done it before. He still thinks this is funny because he then had to get in his car because there was a little bit of alcohol involved and he couldn't face a cop.

This true story also involves him stating it was someone else's fault. 

If we've learned anything from Oprah and the show Glee it's that you don't text and drive. QUINN IS IN A WHEEL CHAIR FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!! If we don't care about the characters of Glee and what they have to teach us then what do we care about?

By the way there was a study that stated driving and talking on the phone was the equivalent of being intoxicated because YOU CAN NOT DO TWO THINGS AT ONCE. This is scientifically proven so shut up with your excuses. If this is the case, how bad do you think texting and driving is?

Maybe I should get my hair cut more often. Plenty of dummies of the week for me to talk about.


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