People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz, "Personal Conduct," The Second Sin, 1973
In today's society of rules and norms, I don't think the idea of true happiness can actually exist. The only way to assert true happiness would be to return to the ways of our prehistoric ancestors or in more modern times, they ways of a three year old.
In today's society of rules and norms, I don't think the idea of true happiness can actually exist. The only way to assert true happiness would be to return to the ways of our prehistoric ancestors or in more modern times, they ways of a three year old.
- If someone takes your toy, punch them and take it back.
- If someone has a toy you want, punch them and take it.
- If for some reason punching, kicking, biting doesn't work then fall to the floor kicking and screaming.
- If your hungry grab the tastiest thing you can find, be damned with calories.
- Most importantly, if you want to sleep...just sleep wherever you are standing. Being tired is a non issue.
If this simple things were allowed I have no doubt that most of us would spend a majority of our times in life happiness and fulfillment. Well, all except for the times when someone is bigger than us and none of those things work or we're eaten by dinosaurs. My prediction is that there will be a 50/50 split in happiness/non-happiness, which is still probably more than our world now.
Here are a list of things I can try doing in order to promote happiness based on the rules of society...
- Smile to at least one person per day who has said or done something so incredibly dumb or rude that I want to punch them in the face.
- Do not deny self evident truth, basically if my instincts are to be nice, be nice. Sometimes it becomes easier to hold back on positivity because its a little embarrassing. Do NOT be embarrassed, be nice.
- Allow myself at least one frivolous thing a day. If this means one latte a day, then so what. I work hard for my money, I save my money hard, I deserve at least one happiness item a day.
- Spend at least 30 minutes doing nothing daily. This could be watching TV, but while watching doing nothing else. Be brain dead a few moments.
- Experience at least one social activity a week. Life is tiring and hard work, but if we don't force ourselves out once in a while we will be forced in to a life of nothing but home and work.
- Create something daily whether it be art or even writing. I might count these blogs.
There might be more to come, but for now I need to create something. Hopefully, this creation will be the end of my novel.
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