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I'm a Cunt/Dyke says Random Facebook Guy

How many times have you been on some type of internet platform and received a strange message like this, from some random creepy guy or possibly even girl? 

I did change this "persons" name.

  • 35 minutes ago

    • u r hot!

  • 33 minutes ago
    Betty Jane Chitty
    • true story.

  • 24 minutes ago
    • does that true story have a happy ending?

  • 23 minutes ago
    Betty Jane Chitty
    • do I even know you?

  • 23 minutes ago
    • if not, u should
    • what r u doing right now?

  • 16 minutes ago
    Betty Jane Chitty
    • Well, I was going to delete you but you aren't on my friends list. Please stop writing me since I have no idea who you are.

  • 4 minutes ago
    • wow well u r a fucking cunt
    • enjoying being a cunt the rest of your life u dyke

  • a few seconds ago
    Betty Jane Chitty
    • ok

  • Why do these people feel entitled to speak with me? Am I a cunt for not wanting to engage in a random stranger because he thinks I'm hot? Great. I'm flattered. Just because you think that's a great line, it does not mean I have to speak with you or swoon at your feet.

    Personally, I'm not looking for a random hookups or even a potential dating mate on Facebook. If I know you, then yes, please talk to me. If I don't know you, please do not write creepy messages about what I'm doing that might possibly lead to your porn fantasies. I can already tell you, that will not be happening. 

    What do you think? Should I have continued the weird interaction with the random stranger? Was I rude?

    Update: Another response:


    • a few seconds ago
      • of course its ok, you know youre a cunt


    1. As long as you don't communicate with him again, you handled it perfectly. When someone does something like that, they just want attention; it doesn't matter if it's good or bad attention -- they just want to make someone react to them. It's called trolling. This sort of thing is really common and the only way to stop it is to do exactly what you did: stop communicating and don't let him pull you back into the conversation by feeling you need to top his last comment. The guy isn't even being subtle about being a troll...his name is a middle school-level dirty joke for crying out loud(I refuse to believe it's real; if it is, then he had a rough childhood)!

    2. I meant to mention I changed the name for privacy reasons. Getting sued would be uncomfortable.

    3. Wait. I did mention that I changed his name.

    4. I know, but I went around and found his actual name. I made it a point not to say what his name is, for the sake of maintaining that privacy (not for his sake, but because that's what you wanted). :)

    5. also, I've never heard of the name he used before.

    6. I'll explain on chat for privacy reasons. ;)


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