"Don't ever let economic alone determine your career or how you spend the majority of your time." Denis Waitley

When I was in elementary school I had one passion besides proving to everyone how smart I was... drawing. I never really knew what to draw though, so I drew ninja turtles. Then I would take them and try to sell them on the side of the road for a nickel. The response I received for this, "no one will buy them, it's something only your family will like." I stood out there anyway, but I think I possibly gave up after that. Was art supposed to be my true calling from an early childhood? Had I chosen what I wanted to be when I grew up or would I still be as lost at this age?

Some of us wanted to the president, the little mermaid and for more logical children a super hero. Most of us wanted to be doctors, fireman and policeman. Now we hate going to doctors, hate the police and want to see fireman only to look at them.
As adults, do we give up our dreams because we don't want them anymore or do we give them up because we must learn to compromise in order to survive?
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