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Selfish Buncha Bitches

Today's is a little bit of an add on to what I wrote yesterday. 

Today I was reading yet another article about personality. This particular article was written about attachment styles and how to fix your particular style. I can remember reading about this while getting my psych degree and thought the same thing I thought then. Damn, I am fucked. I'm also the person that reads articles about how to spot a sociopath and wonder whether I am actually a sociopath. That's not really the point though. 

There is another article about personality. Another article about what might be wrong with us. Another article on how we can actually fix what is wrong with us. This is sort of what the quizzes themselves are about. The difference between them is that the quizzes only fill out the good parts of who you think you are. These articles seem to emphasize everything that is wrong with you. How do you fix you?

There isn't really anything wrong with this because really it just makes us a more self aware society. 
Consider this...When people think about the 1940's or 1950's in the United States, they will usually think typical American family, united society. This is what Captain America hated about the new America right? People are now out for themselves. Women are no longer staying at home just to take care of children, fathers aren't there just to go and earn money for their family. Society isn't the same as a whole either.

I just assume that people from this (racist, consumer driven) society also drank more.

Self awareness in a society could be an adequate reason for the selfish buncha bitches that we are. I know what kind of attachment style that I am right now, I even know what I need to do to fix it. Possibly therapy is what the article says, but I say squash that shit down until it isn't noticeable. 

You know what else we have as a self aware society though? 

A society that actually gives a shit. People are all aware about what we eat now. I don't want to eat poison, therefore I must make a change. 

People are so scared of racism now that they can't describe people. What did the woman look like? Well, she was kind of short, kinda fat and had dark hair and uh...dark eyes...

As long as that quiz says that I am a kind and generous person, then obviously I need to be a kind and generous person right? 

I guess as long as we are a society so interested in psychology and self awareness then it only makes sense that people will either take interest or notice others around them. We find ways to fix things that are broken and we go out of our way to help people that might need it. I'm not saying everyone is like this obviously, but living in a society that allows people to fight about animal rights means there are a large amount. Something is obviously going right when we can worry about the rights of tiny animals.


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