Today's is a little bit of an add on to what I wrote yesterday. Today I was reading yet another article about personality. This particular article was written about attachment styles and how to fix your particular style. I can remember reading about this while getting my psych degree and thought the same thing I thought then. Damn, I am fucked. I'm also the person that reads articles about how to spot a sociopath and wonder whether I am actually a sociopath. That's not really the point though. There is another article about personality. Another article about what might be wrong with us. Another article on how we can actually fix what is wrong with us. This is sort of what the quizzes themselves are about. The difference between them is that the quizzes only fill out the good parts of who you think you are. These articles seem to emphasize everything that is wrong with you. How do you fix you? There isn't really anything wrong with this because really it ju...
My thoughts on everything and possibly daily events.