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The Invention of God?

"Doubt is part of all religion. All the religious thinkers were doubters."

Isaac Bashevis Singer

Religion is a mystery. An invention by man. Is God?

When I was a kid, I loved church. My parents wouldn't take me, but a bus would come and pick me up on Sunday mornings the same way the bus would come pick me up for school during the week. In fact, the Sunday school was in a school and very unlike the church I went to later as a teenager. I was saved 3 times before I actually learned what that term meant in high school. Then I was saved a fourth time attending church camp. Yes, I went to church camp as a teenager. Who would have thought?

One of my favorite books as a kid was of bible stories for children. I wish I still had this book. I would sit outside and read that book for hours and talk to God as if he were sitting right next to me. I would ask tons of questions such as, "well, if Eve was the first woman, who was her mother?" As you can see, I didn't understand the whole Adam and Eve concept. I did pray sometimes when I needed something. I spoke to him in conversation, asked for help that never came in a more professional manner. Almost as if it were a business proposal. I'll do this for you, if you do this for me. Please Please Please Please.

As I grew older, I began to ask more questions and religion became this huge mystery to me. It's still a mystery because I don't actually believe in it. I believe in God, but I don't believe I am right or wrong in any of my beliefs. Most religion seems so close that I wonder whether we are praying to the same God.

I do believe in God, but my biggest question is whether I really believe he exists or whether I just really want him to exist. I've repeated this quote many times and I will repeat it many more, "If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent him," Voltaire. I believe this quote comes because some people have no actual consequence for their actions. The world might be in complete chaos if there was no God. Wars have been created over religion, but I think that's what they are created over. Religion, not God.

I admirer those who have complete assurance of their higher power. What do you believe?


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