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Are you a MAC or PC?

"You're not supposed to ask about religion or politics. Now you're also not supposed to talk about Mac or PC." Gregory Lee, a nobody to everyone, but his mother. 

I can still remember the first time I ever touched a mac computer. It was the early 90s, I was in the 3rd grade and my school was taking a tour of one of the local magnet programs. In an attempt to entertain us for a few moments, the school allowed us to sit at the computers and play a common game for the PC called math busters. This and Carmen San Diego were my favorites. At the time I was young though and it didn't seem like a big deal. At the age of 10, no one really cares what type of computer they have or the fact that they are sent home with a bag of apple product stickers. 

The next time I touched a Mac was in 2004, when I was getting ready for a deployment to Iraq. One of the Officers needed me to complete a project for him, so I sat down at the Mac laptop and completed something that I don't quite remember. This is what I do remember...being absolutely hooked. I've always had problems with PC's and this was a complete marvel to me. From that moment I swore I would own a mac and immediately bought one after the deployment. I bought an iMac as soon as we returned and taught myself video editing with it. 

As you can imagine I am absolutely an apple fan. I've owned: iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, Powerbook. If it has an i in the front of the name then I've probably owned it. All except for an iRon. I am not even a little ashamed to say I stole that joke. 

This is the thing with the Mac vs. PC debate. NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU PREFER. If you are a mac snob fine. I definitely am. I'm a whore for Apple and that won't change soon. If you are a PC fan, fine, good for you. I don't even care that you say you can do more things with it and get it for much cheaper. It's all a trade of depending on what you prefer. No on is wrong until they throw their condescending attitudes around and starts pissing people off. Once again, NOBODY REALLY CARES. 

Next topic will possibly make people less angry since I am considering politics, religion or perhaps both.

I leave you know with a picture of the truth.


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