Yes, it's definitely been a while since I've written you lovelies a blog. This is because I've been writing my second novel and I've still been contemplating my masters degree options. A masters in...creative writing. This was actually something suggested by my Psych adviser and something I think may be a really good idea. I have one novel written and another in the works. Grad school could really help me pull my skills together in to one completed published novel. As you can imagine, I'm not writing this to tell you only about grad school, but I actually have something to say...the OSCARS were last night and I have NO CABLE. I do still have the results and a little bit of insight though. Octavia Spencer in "The Help" First things first, the reason I am writing, Best Supporting Actress. Before I start saying certain people do or don't deserve awards, remember these are my opinions. Also, I really like Octavia Spencer so part of me is really glad s...
My thoughts on everything and possibly daily events.