Hello humans. Yes, humans. You strange creatures that walk around in a constant state of self awareness, always wondering what is expected of you and what isn't. Sometimes it's difficult to straddle that line of what is considered unique while also trying to stay similar enough to society that we aren't considered strange or an abomination. We make restrictions on other people's lives because they aren't like we are. A man has decided he wants to be a she and the masses come out to destroy her. A woman decides to marry another woman and is considered an abomination because that's just disgusting. The most adamant and the most hateful are those basing their beliefs on religion. In America, they identify as Christians (not all Christians, some of you I love like a very cute cuddly puppy). They believe that people such as myself that have fallen in love with someone of the same gender are making a choice and that we should turn to God. This is what scripture ...
My thoughts on everything and possibly daily events.